Call Me Bae, a 2024 comedy-drama series directed by Colin D’Cunha, stars Ananya, a fashionista whose lavish lifestyle is disrupted, forcing her to start from scratch. Produced by Karan Johar, this series blends humor with an emotional journey of self-discovery. Released on September 6th, it is currently streaming on Prime Video.
The show also features a strong supporting cast, including Vir Das, Gurfateh, and Varun. With an exciting storyline, Call Me Bae is gaining attention for its fresh take on personal growth through adversity, all wrapped in a glamorous fashion world setting.
Title | Call Me Bae |
Genre | Comedy, Drama |
Lead Actor | Ananya Panday |
Director | Colin D’Cunha |
Other | Vir Das, Gurfateh and Varun Sood |
Producer | Karan Johar |
Date | September 6th |
OTT | Amazon Prime Video |
Episodes | 8 Episodes |
Language | Hindi |
Early reviews for Call Me Bae highlight its mix of humor and emotional depth. Critics have praised Ananya Panday for her portrayal of Bella, calling it one of her best performances yet. The blend of comedy with moments of personal reflection makes the show a pleasant watch for various audiences.
On review platforms like Filmibeat, Call Me Bae has garnered positive reactions for its direction and witty script. The supporting cast, especially Vir Das and Gurfateh Pirzada, have also been appreciated for their strong performances, adding layers to the story.
Main Actors
- Ananya Panday as Bella
- Vir Das
- Gurfateh Pirzada
- Varun Sood
- Vihaan Samat
- Muskaan Jaferi
- Niharika Lyra Dutt
- Mini Mathur
Call Me Bae follows Bella, a spoiled fashionista whose luxurious world comes crashing down after a scandal. Once the darling of high society, she is left with no choice but to navigate life without her family’s wealth. The series is a journey of self-discovery, as Bella must learn the value of relationships, work, and personal identity outside of material possessions.
Set against a backdrop of glitz and glamour, Call Me Bae balances humor with heartfelt moments, showing how Bella grows into a more grounded individual. The storyline highlights personal growth, fashion-world drama, and the ups and downs of Bella’s transformation into a stronger person.
Call Me Bae is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video, having released on September 6, 2024. You can check Bollyflix for more such romantic web series.